Friday, June 24, 2011

Bill Maher Offensive? No, Just Very, Very Predictable.

Maher has lost all of his edge.

He knows that once every week or so make(very easy) jokes about Palin or her daughters that are outrageous. He tries to make them offensive enough that people will talk about it online or on cable news. He gets the publicity for the conservative backlash, which makes the liberals defend him, which then adds to his unwarranted reputation as an edgy comic.

Maher's latest Palin knock-knock joke via Mediaite.

Note to Maher: Making fun of conservatives in front of an insufferably liberal west coast audience or in Hollywood is not edgy. It's the easiest thing one can do. He's not shocking people or challenging them, he's reaffirming his back patting audience's already deep held beliefs. It's as boring as it is predictable.

Unlike Carlin, who would perform shows on the West Coast and mercilessly mock liberals to their faces on environmentalism, or Rickles, who would take jabs at nearly everyone in attendance, or Pryor who seemed to take delight in mocking people in any position of authority, Maher goes for the easiest laugh possible.

Maher is the equivalent of a prop comic. I rarely watch him anymore. Not because he's offensive, but because he is so lame. When you're able to figure out every punchline and instinctively know EVERY position he'll take on EVERY issue, why bother?

The real joke here is that Maher is hilariously seen by some on the left as a rebel. Maher is about as rebellious as wearing a tye dyed shirt at a Phish concert. You can't tell him apart from the others.

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