Monday, December 28, 2009

Why do so many liberals believe in kooky pseudo science?

Personally, I consider myself an atheist. I do not have a belief in a god. Nor do I believe in the supernatural. I actually have some liberal and conservative friends who share my lack of faith, yet have kooky views on topics such as astrology and wacky new age nonsense. That's fine with me. To each his own.

I kind of get a chuckle when someone uses science and reason for their lack of belief in a god, while simultaneously telling me about that homeopathic remedy they're using for their dandruff. But what really makes me scratch the dandruff from my head are the snarky liberal types who never miss an opportunity to mock christians and the values that are an important part of their life, yet go on rants about some of the most anti scientific, snake oil, clap trap crap around.

This new Pew study I just came across shows what anybody who's ever been to Northern California already know. That while a lot of Democrats stereotype Republicans as Christian rubes, it's actually the Democrats who are more likely to fall for new age superstitious nonsense. No matter how many times this junk science has been debunked over the years, you can count on rich white liberals who desperately feel the need to distance themselves from "closed minded middle America" to keep this industry going. It's bad enough that they're mostly boring and dull, the last thing liberals have to cling to is a sense of adventure or "openminded-ness". In other words exotic, eastern, mystical, or basically NOT AMERICAN.

In the study:

11 percent of Republicans say they have seen a ghost, while 21 percent of Democrats say so. And 9 percent of Republicans say they have consulted a fortuneteller, while 22 percent of Democrats have.

14 percent of Republicans say they believe in astrology, while 31 percent of Democrats do. 15 percent of Republicans say they view yoga as a spiritual practice, while 31 percent of Democrats do. 17 percent of Republicans say they believe in spiritual energy, while 30 percent of Democrats do.