Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The lefts unabashed violance directed at Reagan

Today in history there was an assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. With this current angry right wing racist teabaggers narrative leading all of the weeks news, I wanted to bring up another incident involving Reagan that most seem to forget.

So, who is this lefty eco nut who threw a 30lb crystal statue at an 82 year old former Presidents head in 1992? Well his name is Rick Springer, and he is revered on the fringes of the left as a hero. He aslo founded the Media Alliance in San Francisco and has since lectured on campuses.

He also founded Media Alliance. Complete with an ACORN like spider webs of sub groups and shady non profits. Check out the disturbing posts including "Control of Public Media as a Social Justice Issue." There is also classes you can sign up for "specific earned income opportunities" for non profits, for money of course.

Looking into this extremist finds that his site happens to be funded by the Tides Foundation.

Looking into this guy, he seems to be running around with the same crowd as some of what today passes as mainstream Democratic demographics.

I'm a registered libertarian so I believe that even the most vile speech is part of the cost to live in a free society. I also have no problem with protesters, at all. But what kind of a human being could pick up a 30lb crystal statue and aim at the head of a 82 year old? That's even worse than Michael Moore harassing an aging Charlton Heston with alzheimer's. You know, the same Charlton Heston who bravely marched with Martin Luther King and supported civil rights openly?

I wonder why the left HATES the elderly? I think they owe us all an apology.